This service does for you, with:

  • Do you believe that it is sufficient for you to learn general theoretical notions and then apply them independently in the rooms of your home and obtain the desired effect
  • You want to acquire the general techniques to successfully carry out the decluttering activity independently
  • You want to be more aware of what the tricks are to avoid accumulating useless objects
  • Do you want to learn the general rules for better organizing domestic environments and the inside of wardrobes, drawers and wall units
  • Want some suggestions on which containers, organizer, dividers and accessories are really useful

How the online service works (1 not):

  • On the agreed date and time, we will connect on the pre-established platform
  • During the consultancy hour I will bring you various general notions and techniques to apply to independently carry out the decluttering and organization of your home, using the most suitable accessories
  • At the end of the consultation I will give you a handbook to use as needed

How to get this service:

  • Contact me via WhatsApp or by phone at 375 8176435 or write me an email at
  • I will contact you for an information call during which we will establish the date on which we will carry out the online consultation hour, upon payment made.
Prezzo: 69,00 euro


This service is for you if:

  • You need online consultancy dedicated to one or more rooms in your home, obtaining tailor-made advice to functionally organize the various rooms
  • You want to acquire the general techniques to successfully carry out the decluttering activity independently
  • You want to be more aware of what the tricks are to avoid accumulating useless objects
  • Want some suggestions on which containers, organizer, dividers and accessories are really useful based on your specific needs

How the online service works (2 ore):

  • On the agreed date and time, we will connect on the pre-established platform
  • During the two hours of consultancy I will bring you various general notions and techniques to apply to carry out the decluttering activity independently
  • I will provide you with ad hoc advice on the specific cases you present to me to allow you to functionally organize the rooms of your home
  • I will provide you with general rules for best organizing domestic environments and the inside of wardrobes, drawers and wall units
  • At the end of the consultation I will give you a handbook to use as needed

How to get this service:

  • Contact me via WhatsApp or by phone at 375 8176435 or write me an email at
  • I will contact you for an information call during which I will ask you to send me the photographic and video material of the environments for which you need my online consultancy and we will establish the date on which we will carry out the two hours of online consultancy, upon payment made and material sent.

Prezzo: 179,00 euro

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